Bicol University Graduate School Announcements

BU Graduate School Activties

Guest Book

Induction of GSSB Officers

Induction of Officers GS Programs

Induction of Officers GS Programs

Induction of Officers GS Programs


GSSB Constitution and By-Laws

BU Graduate School Programs Websites

Financial Statement

Documents and Correspondence

Graduate School Completed Activities

1. GSSB Officers have already taken their Oath of Office on August 6, 2005, at the Graduate School Office Office which was administered by the Dean of the Graduate School - Dr. Noly Mascarinas. 

The Oath-taking was a simple one, where Dr. Myrna Lanuza, the GSSB Adviser was also present.  

2. The induction of Student Officers of the Graduate School Programs was held on August 13, 2005 at 4:00-6:00PM at the Time Zone, Legazpi City. The occasion was attended by more or less 70 Gradute School Students, Guests, Program Advisers, Faculty members and friends.

The Guest speaker was the President of Bicol University who was represented by Dr. Graciano B Banaga Jr. - VP Administration, BU.

See our pictures at the Induction of GS Program Officers page.

Graduate School Activities Journal 

1. A meeting of the Steering Committee and those who would like to join is set on August 17, 2005 at 5:00PM at Room M3 - CBEM Building, Daraga, Albay. Agenda is on the Symposium on Charter Change and tasking of committees. The meeting was attended by students coming from several Graduate School Programs.

2. A meeting of all Student Presidents of Grdaute School Programs is set on August 22, 2005 at 5:00PM at Room M3-CBEM Building, Daraga, Albay. Agenda is on the Symposium on Charter Change and Updates on the September 24, 2005 BU Foundation Day Celebration.  The meeting was attended by GSSB Officetrs and several Pressidenta nd representatives of the Graduate School Programs.

3. A Symposium on Charter Change is being readied and is tentatively scheduled on August 27, 2005 at 9:00AM at the BU Amphithearter. All BU students are invited to join. Registration is free.

On August 8, 2005 invitation letters were sent to Atty. Arnulfo Cabredo ad Cong Edcel Lagman informing them to be the speakers on the said symposium. On August 15, 2005, Atty Cabrdo committed as speaker and Cong Lagman committed on August 22, 2005.Though on August 26, 2005 Cong Lagman informed that he could not make it due to unaaviodable circumstances.

On August 22, 2005 the streamers were contracted for P700.00 to friends of the Graduate School extension office. The streamers were posted on August 26, 2005 at the BUGS building..

 On August 24, 2005 invitation and program were sent to inform the al Advisers, Faculty and students. The invitation was also posted at the BUGS bulletin board. 

On August 26, 2005 the backdrop and stage were prepared. It was noted that the electicity line of the BU Amphitheater was busted. The program may go on without electicity. Snack requirements were bought to be prepared on August 27, 2005. Bottled water and floers were also prepared. 

The symposium pushed through even without Cong Lagman. Gezel Garcia of MAPA was the preliminary speaker. Dr. Banaga also arrived and welcomed Judge Arnulfo Cabredo - the Guest Speaker. Congressman Edcel Lagman was not able to arrive due to someurgent matter.

4. A joint Alumni-Graduate School activity would be held on the Celebration of the Bicol University Foundation Day on September 24, 2005.

Planning and follow-up of cost estimates were done on August 12, 2005. A meeting together with the GS Program Advisers and GSSB representatives were held at the BUGS office at 2:00 P.M. Dr Noly Mascarinas presided the meeting.

The proposed activties are as follows:

7:00-8:00AM - Motorcade from BU to Provincial Capitol and back

8:00-9:00AM - Mass at the BU Little Theater

9:00-10:00AM - Program at BULT - Free snacks. Graduate School Students will present a number during the program.

10:00-11:30AM - Graduate School - Symposium on Good Governance at the BU Amphiitheater. Alumni- Election of Officers at the BULT - Free lunch at the BULT.

1:00-5:00PM - Athletics and games - BU grounds. Quiz bee and Awarding at the BULT - Free snacks.

5. On September 3, 2005 Saturday at 10:30 A.M., the GSSB and the Steering Committe had a meeting at the Graduate Forum - which would be assumedby the Graduate School Students Office. themeeting was presided by the GSSB President. 

The agenda of the meeting were on the updates of the activities on September 24, 2005. The agenda of the meeting is posted at the BUGS Bulletin Board. Agenda: 1.Letters sentto concerned offices for permit and coordination of the motorcade, 2.The activities and expenses that would be incurred during the motorcade, mass and Symposium on Good Governace. In which Sen Miriam Defensor isinvited as the Guest Speaker, 3.The revision of the CBL in which a committe would be tasked to revise its initial draft- Mr. Gezel Garcia would be the head of the committee. 4. The turn-over of funds and propety of the previous GSSB and the Editor-In-Chief of the previous Gradute Forum. Other GSSB properties may be turned-over soon in coordination with Atty Caparuso - the previous previous GSSB President. 5. The availability of ID for Graduate School Students - the list of GS Students as required by OSS would be submitted on September 5, 2005 as basis for the number code of GS Students priorto the issuance of IDs. 6.The GS Studenta are still scouting for the members of the Steering Committees, 7. The Gradute School is tasked to present a number during the foundation day. Stilllooking for talents. 8. The collection of GSSB fees and dues that were not collected during the 1st Semester SY 2005-2006, collectors are encourage to signify their intention during the issuance of clearances and enrollment for the next semester. The meeting adjournedat 11:30 A.M.       

Since the Graduate Forum has no set of officers yet, the Graduate School is scouting for editors and writers who would continue the efforts of the Graduate School Forum.                     

All Graduate School Programs are encouraged to send their current activtiies or announcements with pictures that would be posted on the BUGS website. Sending through e-mail is high appreciated. 

Send us also your Constitution and By-Laws so we could also post it here. Thank you.


Graduate School Programs Steering Committee

All students are invited to join the Steering Committee. The Committee would be incharged of all activities that would be undertaken by the BU Graduate School.  All students under any Graduate School program is invited.

Steering Committee Members would have the chance to develop their leadership skills and decision-making prowess. And of course this means widening your contacts and network, which would be beneficial to all students!

All Gradute School Students are invited to a meeting on August 17, 2005 at 5:00PM at Room - M3, CBEM Building, Daraga, Albay. The agenda of the meeting is for the creation of the steering committee that would facilatate the upcoming GS Activities.   

Interested? E-mail or text us, you won't regret of the experience and opportunities that the Graduate School activties would offer.





The Gradute School Building August 10, 2005