Bicol University Graduate School Student Board

BU Graduate School Activties

Guest Book

Induction of GSSB Officers

Induction of Officers GS Programs

Induction of Officers GS Programs

Induction of Officers GS Programs


GSSB Constitution and By-Laws

BU Graduate School Programs Websites

Financial Statement

Documents and Correspondence

Graduate School Student Board SY2005

The Bicol University Graduate School Student Board SY2005 - 2006 website was launched on August 1, 2005. The Officers of GSSB were elected on July 30, 2005 at the BU Amphitheater, presided by the Dean and Graduate School Faculty of Bicol University. Present were the Presiding Officer and Dean of BU Graduate School - Dr Noly Mascarinas and faculty members. 

BU GSSB Officers SY2005-2006 .

President: Mr Hernando H Siscar Jr    

Vice President: Mr Art Osia      

Secretary: Ms Marnie B Arellano      

Treasurer: Ms Gee Jacome                         

Auditor: Mr Roberto G Lolo                

PIO: Mr Carlos Galvez      

Business Manager: Mr Joel Bronosa              

Business Manager: Ms. Melanie Lorica 


Oath Taking August 6, 2005

The Oath-Taking of Officers was held at the Bicol University Graduate School on August 6, 2005 Saturday at 11:00AM, which was presided by the Dean of Graduate School Dr. Arnulfo Mascarinas and witnessed by the Graduate School Faculty.

The Adviser of the GSSB is Dr. Myrna M. Lanuzo. 

After the Oath Taking, the First Official Meeting of GSSB followed. Discussed in the meeting were the initial activities of GSSB. See the Bicol University Graduate School Activities.    

Launching of Bicol University GSSB Website

The GSSB SY2005-2006 website was initially launched on August 1, 2005 through the efforts of the Graduate School Students of Bicol University. This site is undergoing construction and would be updated as activities are undertaken this SY 2005. The site is supported by the Technical Staff of GSSB and would be enhanced in the next few weeks.

The website is dedicated to all Graduate School and the Students of Bicol University. 

Send us an email at

GSSB Activities for SY2005-2006


Induction of Graduate School Officers - August 13, 2005 

Symposium on Charter Change - August 27, 2005,

Joint Graduate School - Alumni Foundation Day - Sept 24, 2005

Symposium on Good Governance - September 24, 2005,


Forum on Government Health Services - November 26, 2005, Govt Educational Program and Social Services - Decemeber 10, 2005,  Community Outreach and Public Information Drive - January 21, 2006, Peace Convention - February 18, 2006


GSSB Officers SY2005
Team Work - The fuel that allows common people to achieve uncommon goals.

We are looking for Editors and Writers for the Gradute Forum.